Episode #12

Manoj Dias:
Whenever We Experience Any Kind of Suffering We Take It So Personally

Show Notes:

In this episode, I am joined by Manoj Dias, meditation teacher and co-founder of Open a social space for meditation and movement. Manoj describes himself as a bold, young father who has transformed his life through mindfulness. Manoj pulls on ancient traditions such as meditation and combines them with modern-day mindful practices.

Key points:

  • The frightening but grounding experience as a young father that comes with the responsibility of having a dependent child.

  • Manoj developed an addiction to prescription medication along with an eating disorder during a time where he was experiencing stress.

  • Manoj’s mental health journey really developed when he experienced a serious panic attack at work. Feeling like he was going to die, Manoj sought professional help, where he began to address his internal battles.

  • Manoj eventually found himself at a Buddhist meditation studio and began to recognize his intrusive and self-destructive thoughts. After more practice, Manoj finally got asked to teach.

  • We talk a lot about how it can be easy to take anxious feelings personally and how Manoj’s pain intensified through being absorbed in this mentality.

  • Together, we discuss the transformative nature of meditation, one of my favorite positive coping strategies. Meditation has the ability to assist us to become friends with ourselves, instead of our worst critic, allowing us to address trauma positively.

  • And of course… we talk coffee.

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About Open:

Open is a mindfulness studio designing a new way to practice wellbeing, together. We draw upon the best of traditions and technologies, old and new, blending music, sound, breath, movement, and visuals to ground in your senses and bring you to the here and now.

Where to find me:

And if you want to get in touch directly with me you can reach me at britt@meetbritt.com


Britt x

Produced by: https://www.oceanaudioproductions.co.uk/

36 Minutes