Britt Turpack: Helping You Live Well


Britt helps organizations and people looking to overcome mental blocks that impede peace, purpose, and success in life and business. Authenticity of self leads to measurable breakthroughs, and Britt Turpack has the secrets to unlock it.


Trusted Advocate

Britt Turpack has been on the forefront of the mental health revolution for years, helping bring the personalization of employee health to businesses around the world.

Proven Driver of Change

From establishing and sharing her three principles to transform mental health and mindfulness to helping hundreds of clients access their authentic selves, Britt has a record of transformative change in her audiences.

Research-Driven Speaker

Not only does Britt tap into her own wealth of experiences in transformation through mental health advocacy and mindfulness, her talks are backed by scientific research and evidence.

Established Voice

Warm, empathetic, and inspiring, Britt’s keynote voice is as memorable as it is engaging. Any audience will be locked in to every word— even long after the event is over.


Britt says…

“Get your coffee. Get your day.”

Meet Britt

Hi Friends! My name is Britt Turpack and I am a Los Angeles based mental health advocate, speaker, and yoga teacher. I am on a mission to make the world a better place by helping people prioritize their mental and spiritual health as much as they do their physical health. I am passionate about sharing my personal journey and connecting with you while being of service to others. Health is everything to me! Brain Health, Body Health, Soul Health, and all that I do and teach is to help others bring their mind, body, and soul into alignment to live their best life...and have some fun in the process!

I am so grateful that my journey has lead me here— to the keynote stage, where I can embrace the conversation of MENTAL HEALTH and teach audiences positive ways to take care of their brain!

From overcoming vices and bad habits to establishing habits and practices that lead to success, my message is perfect for anyone who wants to unlock their achievement at a personal or organizational level.

If you want a keynote speaker that will spread joy and help you spread your abilities around the world, I am your girl!



Job 12: 7-9

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.”

Britt has delivered inspiring and impactful keynotes to thousands worldwide
